The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” The Eucharist is the efficacious sign and sublime cause of that communion in the divine life and that unity of the People of God by which the Church is kept in being. It is the culmination both of God’s action sanctifying the world in Christ and of the worship men offer to Christ and through him to the Father in the Holy Spirit (CCC 1324-1325)
Catechism of the Catholic Church on Sacrament of the Eucharist
Communion at Mass
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Body and Blood of Christ during Communion time at Mass.
First Holy Communion
Preparation for First Holy Communion is offered through our Parish School. If all requirements are met, second-grade students typically celebrate it in the spring
- For Public School Students: Weekly religious education classes are required.
- For Parochial School Students, Second-grade students receive religious instruction and sacrament preparation during the regular school day. They also participate in rehearsals and special celebrations throughout the year, which provides a wonderful opportunity to connect with others preparing for the sacrament.
- For Older Children: Individual arrangements can be made for older children who need their First Holy Communion.
Preparation includes learning about the Mass and the Eucharist, helping children deepen their understanding of this sacred sacrament.
Contact Information:
To learn more, please get in touch with the parish office at 859-431-0636.

Communion for the Homebound and Ill
Holy Cross Parish extends the grace of the Eucharist to parishioners who are homebound, ill, or in care facilities.
- Ministers of the Eucharist bring consecrated hosts at the end of Mass and visit parishioners on Sundays or during the week.
- Viaticum: The Eucharist (Viaticum) can be administered for those near the end of life, often in conjunction with the Anointing of the Sick.
Contact Information:
If you would like to arrange for the Eucharist to be brought to a home or care facility, please call 859-431-0636.