Ministry of Lectors

Lectors play a vital role in celebrating the Mass by proclaiming God’s Word with faith and reverence. Their ministry is not simply reading but proclaiming the Word of God, inviting the assembly to listen, reflect, and respond in faith.

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Proclamation: Lectors deliver the readings with clarity, conviction, and appropriate pacing, demonstrating their faith and inspiring faith in others.
  • Reverence: Lectors should show the utmost respect for the Word of God through their demeanor, attire, and handling of the Lectionary and Book of the Gospels.

Lectors are encouraged to prepare in three ways:

  • Scriptural Preparation: Study the text and its context for a deeper understanding.
  • Spiritual Preparation: Pray and reflect on the message of the reading.
  • Practical Preparation: Practice pronunciation, delivery, and microphone use.

Lectors are trained to ensure they proclaim the readings effectively, including appropriate pauses and silence during the Liturgy of the Word.

Key Guidelines

  • The Lector may carry the Book of the Gospels in the entrance procession if no deacon is present.
  • The Lectionary is never carried in procession; it remains on the ambo before Mass.
  • Lectors proclaim the first and second readings, introduce the Prayer of the Faithful when required, and may lead the Responsorial Psalm if no psalmist is available.
  • After completing their readings, Lectors place the Lectionary back on the ambo’s shelf.

Who Can Serve?
Anyone with a strong faith and the ability to proclaim God’s Word is encouraged to join this ministry. Training is provided for all new Lectors.

Contact Information
For more information or to become a Lector, contact the Parish Rectory at (859) 431-0636.